

我是学表演的,今年刚升上大二中美戏剧班,之前一直在做演员梦 然后最近在看很多关于好莱坞演员面试啊选角啊之类的中文字幕视频(不要问我为什么)。其中看到一段是讲一个女生去试演《饥饿游戏》中“盖尔”的角色最后失败了的。我觉得这个女生的表现挺真实的,应该有很多演员都有过类似的经历吧于是想和大家分享一下。

首先她是这么介绍自己的 “My name is … I am 5’10’’ tall, brown hair, blue eyes, and I was born in Germany. I spoke four languages before I came to the U.S. so if you need someone who can speak German or Russian or whatever, I’m your girl!” (我名字是什么什么…… 我身高五英尺十英寸,金发碧眼,生于德国。来美国前我会说四种语言所以如果你们需要会说德语或俄语文案什么的,找我就对了!)

接着她讲述了为什么会想做演员 “I think acting is just a wonderful way to be able to use your imagination and get away with pretending that it's real. You know, as an actor you have the perfect job where you get to eat, sleep and live as another person and everybody loves you for being you. And there really isn’t anything bad about acting except maybe getting typecast but other than that I don’t know what’s not to like!” (我就是觉得演戏是一个能用想象力得到最好回报的职业,你可以假装它是真的,谁知道呢,可能因为这样人们才喜欢你看重你。除了可能会遇到角色定型,我真的想不到什么坏处了!)

但她也说了自己其实并没有很专业 “In reality, though, most of us are just regular guys and girls trying to make it in this crazy world we were born into. I mean, sure, some of us are more gifted professionally than others but all of us have our own stories to tell, right? So whether you're working behind a desk or on an oil rig or whether you're a doctor, lawyer or actress, we're all just doing the best we can do.” (然而事实上我们当中大多数人只是普通得不能再普通的男女,努力在这个我们被生下来的疯狂世界立足。我的意思是当然有些人在职业方面比我们更有天赋,但我们都拥有自己的人生故事对吗?那么不管你是站在办公桌后面还是在石油钻塔上面或者无论你是医生律师还是演员,我们都在尽我们所能地做好自己的工作。)

所以她也很真诚地说出了自己的缺点和不足 “The only thing I want to be in this audition is honest because we all know that honesty is always the best policy. The last thing I want is to lie about myself or pretend to be something I'm not. And while I might not be exactly what you're looking for, I hope somehow that I can convince you that I'm what you need.”

(我要在这个试镜里展现的唯独就是诚实,因为我们都知道诚实永远是最靠谱的。我最讨厌撒谎或是伪装,虽然我可能并不完美,但我希望我可以说服你们,我是最适合你们的。) 最后她没有成功 因为对方不想挑出一个像她这样的 “finalistic” 的女孩 所以她的认真坦白反而成了致命伤 祝好
